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    Both students and families are welcome to attend High School info sessions and open houses. Please tell us about yourself and select a date:

    Select a date - All are held on campus, in person.

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    Welcome to Springer School and Center

    Springer is an independent school for students with dyslexia, ADHD and other specific learning disabilities. Students with these learning differences and others, including dyscalculia and dysgraphia, thrive in our specialized, small private school environment. Springer faculty and staff are the experts in dyslexia, ADHD, and executive function. We are located in the beautiful Hyde Park neighborhood in Cincinnati, Ohio.

    A school and so much more!

    Did you know that Springer can help you find answers about your student's learning challenges? Springer Diagnostic Center provides a range of evaluations to diagnose learning disabilities. Learn more here.

    Therapy and tutoring tailored to students with learning challenges such as ADHD and dyslexia are available on Springer's campus for grades K through 12. Learn more here.

    Summer programs for high school students are enrolling now. Learn about summer programs here.

    Inquire to learn more about any of our programs. 

      School Admissions: 1st-8thSchool Admissions: 9th-12thSummer ProgramsDiagnostic EvaluationsMath TutoringReading TutoringWriting TutoringExecutive Function TutoringOccupational TherapySpeech and Language TherapyParent Programs/LearningProfessional Programs/Learning

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