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Cincinnati philanthropists Harry and Linda Fath have pledged an astounding three million dollars to Springer School and Center in Hyde Park. Their gift is a matching pledge in support of Springer’s capital campaign, Advancing Success, launched on the heels of the organization’s fiftieth anniversary. Harry shares his perspective on the struggles that are born from inadequate education for children who learn differently, including “It’s brutal to be in a class and you can’t do the work, and you feel like an idiot.” In a video plea to supporters, Fath speaks to Springer’s meaningful impact stating, “A place like this can save a kid’s life.”
Leading the campaign are Springer Board members Matthew Gockerman, Thomas Leugers and Peter Niehoff. Through their efforts, more than 150 patrons have contributed to the campaign which has led to an incredible $14.6 million raised toward the total $15 million goal. This includes a $4 million gift from a very generous anonymous donor. Now, Springer is only $400,000 shy of securing this critical match from the Faths, which would be one of the largest gifts in Springer’s history and maximize the organization’s impact in the community. Springer is asking for help in reaching the goal, which will benefit thousands of children in the area in the coming years.
Advancing Success will expand Springer’s ability to serve the region through three key initiatives: 1. Financial Aid: Build upon the scholarship fund for families who cannot afford the specialized education their children need; 2. Capital Building: Increase learning spaces for the School and the Center to serve more students, parents and educators; and 3. Center Expansion: strengthen the outreach arm of the organization, the Center, with the means to continue to expand programming and services beyond the school to help area students, professionals and parents.
To view Harry Fath’s video and learn more about Springer and their capital campaign, Advancing Success, visit Springer-LD.org/giving/advancing-success/.