Reading: Just Do It! Experiencing Books in Non-traditional Ways
May 19, 2014
A Springer Education is Within Your Reach: What's It Like at Springer?
June 11, 2014
As I was writing my last blog on text-to-speech options for reading, I suddenly got very excited about my next blog post. I had gone through a very simple management process regarding the article I referred to in my post, and feel it is important to share it with the Springer family of blog readers.
After finding the article, How Teachers Can Build a Word-Rich Life for Dyslexics, I instinctively clicked on my free Evernote Clearly app that strips sidebar content, providing a distraction-free reading experience that focuses my attention. Clearly also provides basic tools for highlighting important ideas.
As I was reading the article, I highlighted facts I thought would be interesting to quote or comment on in my post. This feature, for students with a learning disability or ADHD/Executive Function difficulties, can assist in keeping a focus and provide active engagement while reading.
I can “clearly” envision a student accessing Evernote to actively engage with the text (highlighting), and using the text-to-speech function on his Mac or PC to hear the article read aloud. Evernote also has a website clipping tool that also has the ability to highlight, but also allows a text note to be added to an article.
Last, but not least, I have been test-driving Evernote as digital “notebook” for about a year now. I have a notebook for each committee I am on, each consultation I do, and other notebooks to capture important research on executive function and technology topics. I am able to put folders inside of notebooks (stacks) to organize my files. After reading and reflecting on this article, I simply clicked SAVE , defined which notebook I wanted it saved to, and it was immediately captured. Evernote also syncs my notebooks across all of my devices. If I am working on my iPad, iPhone or MacBook Pro, I can access the information I need, to work productively.
On a personal note, a couple weeks ago, I downloaded the Evernote Food app. I am thinking of capturing all of my “Too Good To Forget” recipes here, as well as finding new and interesting dishes. So far it is a nifty little app.
While Evernote is certainly not the only application that can do all of the things I described above, it is a tool that has the potential to support students who struggle with engagement, and different aspects of organization. Something else of note, the basic functions of Evernote are free. I haven’t spent a dime, to-date, although I am considering upgrading to Premium Evernote to further explore the possibilities.
Blogger Barbara Hunter, MEd, shares her expertise in the use of technology to support learning. If you have questions, please contact Barbara at .