Parents Speak about the Springer Experience: Advice from Parents
July 14, 2015
When School Feels Like Home
July 29, 2015
When I first heard of Springer over four years ago, I had a lot of assumptions on what the school was probably like.
The parent of a recent Springer graduate sent this letter to Admission Director Carmen Mendoza.
When I first heard of Springer over four years ago, I had a lot of assumptions on what the school was probably like. Most of all I assumed it was filled with children that had behavior issues, none of which I wanted my son to encounter. You see my son, Joshua, suffered from dyslexia and ADHD, not behavior issues. So I feared he would be influenced in a negative way – boy was I wrong!
I reluctantly agreed to visit the school during an open house. I was afraid of the big change for him, but also the commitment of driving so far away to get him to and from school each day. The tuition was enough to scare me – I was thinking, "how could we possibly afford it?" But Joshua needed more experienced help, and I was willing to hear them out.
During the open house, I learned about so many programs and strategies to specifically help each student independently – things that his public school had no knowledge of. I also learned of the tuition assistance program, which made it possible for us to afford to send him. I became aware that these children are not troubled behaviorally; they have a learning disability of some kind. Needless to say I had a lot to learn myself.
I fell in love with Springer that night. So many of my questions were answered and my anxieties relieved. I finally felt empowered with Joshua’s education. I now understood that he could continue with age-appropriate studies, via different strategies.
The first day was a tough one. Joshua wanted nothing to do with a new school. He was in the fourth grade and wanted to stay at his old school. He was nervous about making friends, and in his mind, was worried about the homework load that he loathed. I worried all day and was there for pick-up early, eager to see how it went. To my surprise, Joshua walked out smiling.
Over the next couple of weeks there was a change in my child. Homework wasn't a fight every night. It was actually content that he could do alone with little help. He finally felt "normal,” and not the student constantly being pulled out of class for extra help. I suddenly had a happy child that no longer begged to stay home. He loved school, yes loved...and suddenly, I loved Springer!
Over the next four years my son grew both academically and socially. They taught him ways around his disability to both grow and succeed in his studies. I remember when he reached Upper School and his reading teacher said she will get him to love reading. "Good luck with that," was my response. She did just that. Joshua started using the book share program with the Read2Go app. Suddenly I had to make him stop reading! What a fantastic feeling it was when he actually was reading age-appropriate books and couldn't put them down.

This year sadly was Joshua's last year, and I had mixed emotions. Everyone at Springer is so knowledgeable and always there for you and your child. They are quick to address any needs, academic or social. They are there for you 100 percent, all the time. It gave me a sense of relief to know they were my child's biggest advocates.
Joshua is leaving fully prepared for high school, and he left knowing how to be his own academic advocate. I too have learned how my son learns best and what tools he needs to be a successful learner. Springer has given him the tools and confidence he needs to move forward into high school.
I am so glad that I gave Springer a chance that first day and attended the open house. Because of Springer I know my child will be successful in life. I can honestly say that Joshua has a bright future where reading will no longer hold him back or make him withdraw from the world. Without the leap of faith I took in Springer, I cringe thinking of where he would be today.
Thank you Springer School and Center, and thank you to all the wonderful teachers and staff.
The proud parent of a Springer graduate.
Kim Campbell
If you have questions, please contact Director of Learning Programs Carmen Mendoza at