Springer Alumna Exhibits Artworks Locally
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Students at Springer School and Center will never look at a seashell in the same way again. On November 8, the school hosted local author Emily Morgan, creator of the “Next Time You See” series of picture books about science.
Morgan met with students in every department in the grade 1-8 school for children with learning disabilities. She read from her book, Next Time You See a Seashell, and gave each child a shell to hold and examine as she read. Morgan shared with the students her idea for the book series, which came to her while on vacation at Sanibel Island. Collecting shells on the beach prompted research on the animals that had created them. After learning about mollusks, “the next time I saw a seashell, I would see it with ‘new eyes,’” Morgan remembered.
Fifth-grader Alex Shannon was impressed with Morgan’s presentation. “I liked her story of how she became an author,” he said. Third-grader Layla Claxton recalled, “I liked the story of the shell, and that I got to keep the shell she gave me.”
Morgan read from several other of her “Next Time” books, about subjects such as pill bugs, spider webs, fireflies and sunsets. She shared with students that her book, Next Time You See a Sunset, recently traveled on a rocket to the International Space Station where it was read aloud by an astronaut as part of the Story Time from Space program. A video of the read-aloud will soon be posted on storytimefromspace.com.
“Springer is an amazing place!” said Morgan. “The atmosphere there is so positive and inviting. I enjoyed spending the day with students from all grade levels. They had wonderful questions, connections, and ideas to share. It was a truly wonderful day!”
Emily Morgan began her career as a science teacher. She is currently an author of books for teachers and for children, and an educational consultant. Morgan lives with her husband and 10-year-old son in West Chester.