Kelly Grannen ’08
April 16, 2018
Samantha Evans ’06
May 3, 2018
Nick Lefke graduated from Mount St. Joseph in 2015 with a major in Business Administration and a Minor in marketing. After graduation, he continued to grow Lefke Tree Experts, LLC (lefketree.com), a company he started in 2011 while in high school. Lefke Tree Experts employs 10 people with 2 Certified Arborists on staff and 8 trucks that go on the road every day. In 2018 Nick launched a Disaster Relief company called Bulk-Haul (bulk-haul.com), which helps communities clean up after a national disaster. Bulk-Haul worked Hurricane Matthew in 2016 for Daytona Beach and Hurricane Irma in 2017 for The City of Naples and The City of Marco island. (5-3-18)