Developing Comfort in Initiating Social Interactions
September 17, 2019
Strategies for Helping Children Who Struggle in Math
October 1, 2019
Continuing the discussion of the publication, Student Voices: of “A Study of Young Adults with Learning and Attention Issues found on the National Center for Learning Disorders website, young adults with LD and ADHD who were successful in a post-high school experience felt connected to their community. The sense of connection began with participation in their school community.
Sometimes youngsters with LD or ADHD feel like outcasts in their school, especially in the early grades. They are embarrassed at being “pulled out” for services when peers ask why they leave class. Students feel humiliated when they are “called out” in the classroom for being impulsive or daydreaming – yet another way to feel “different” from peers! The Executive Summary emphasizes the need for us, as parents, to find places where our students feel comfortable and are part of a community. Academics are important, but feeling comfortable interacting with others and having a sense of being “part of” a group is also vital to their success.
Finding an activity or group where your student feels comfortable is a matter of trial and error. For young children, it is helpful to introduce them to a variety of activities. Young children have the luxury of not having to be an expert at lacrosse or soccer to be on the neighborhood team. To prevent their feeling overwhelmed try a “one sport per season” rule. Middle School students already have a sense of their interests and strengths. Encourage them to be involved in something, whether a youth group at your place of worship, a community service group, the set building team for the school play, or a sport. The same holds true in high school. The whole purpose of participation is for the student to have a sense of membership, engagement and belonging to a group. Within the group they will develop friendships and a feeling of competence, both of which can be a challenge for our students with LD/ADHD.
On October 3, 2019 Springer School and Center is joining with The Center for ADHD at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center to screen the documentary, Normal Isn’t Real: Succeeding With Learning Disabilities and ADHD. The film features stories of successful young people with LD and ADHD. The filmmaker, Krys Kornmeier’s purpose in making the film was to inspire young people, their families and teachers to persevere. For more information visit: www.Springer-LD.org/normalisntreal.