FAQs about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
October 8, 2020
Jonathan Mooney Talks to Springer Community
October 20, 2020
Continuing my thoughts for October’s LD/ADHD Awareness Month, I’d like to focus today on a disorder that touches the lives of many of our students and families at Springer School and Center: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Learning disabilities and ADHD often co-occur, with nearly one in three students with learning disabilities also diagnosed with ADHD. So this week I want to spend some time discussing what ADHD is and how it can exacerbate the symptoms of learning disabilities.
ADHD, like learning disabilities, is a brain-based neurological disorder. Children, teens, and adults can be diagnosed according to the criteria in the DSM-V (the guide to the criteria) by a doctor, mental health professional, or other qualified clinician. There are three presentations of ADHD: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, or combined inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive.
Some symptoms of the inattentive presentation of ADHD include difficulty sustaining attention, failure to pay close attention to details, and forgetfulness in daily activities. Some symptoms of the hyperactive-impulsive presentation include fidgeting with hands or feet, talking excessively, and interrupting others.
Not included in the DSM-V definition, however, are additional difficulties that people with ADHD have with executive function (EF). EF includes skills such as analyzing, planning, organizing, and completing tasks. Students with ADHD may have sufficient knowledge to complete a particular task but may not see it through due to difficulties in these areas.
Students with learning disabilities may also have a difficult time with EF. Students may have extreme difficulty with organizing incoming information to understand a math concept, getting ideas from their mind down on paper, or summarizing what they have read, despite average to above-average intelligence. While these students may be able to plan ahead enough to turn in their final product, the product may not reflect the grade-level requirements.
As you can imagine, when a student has both a learning disability and ADHD, learning can be severely compromised. Students diagnosed with both disorders have complex learning profiles that require intensive, individualized intervention.

Springer School and Center’s professional development offerings can assist teachers with understanding the interplay between learning disabilities, ADHD, and EF, and can assist teachers in viewing a learner’s profile through an EF lens in order to select the most effective strategies possible. In addition, parent programs are offered to assist parents with understanding EF and strategies to use at home.
Please visit Springer’s website to view the Center's professional development and parent programming options, as well as our newly posted webinars, related to learning disabilities and ADHD. If you're in need of more information, email the Center at to inquire about a customized professional development or parent program for your school or group.
Blogger Lisa Bruns, M.Ed., Special Education, shares her expertise of students with learning disabilities. As a special educator, she has expert knowledge of interventions and accommodations that students may need to succeed in and out of the classroom. If you have questions, please contact Center Director Lisa Bruns at .