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Everyone struggles with procrastination and finding the motivation to do certain things from time to time. It can be really hard to get motivated and not avoid/push off something that needs to get done.

If this sounds familiar for you or someone you know, we have success tips for you.
- Start with a Goal. A goal is a helpful path to motivate you into action.
- Break it down. Divide a big goal into smaller tasks or a to-do list. It is easier to take action and attain your goal with manageable chunks. The easier the steps, the easier it is to get started.
- Find Accountability. Accountability helps with progress. Whether you enlist a friend, family member, instructor, coach, or someone to provide support and accountability to accomplish your goal.
- Be Flexible. Sometimes things do not go as planned. Anticipate challenges and solutions to help you avoid setbacks. It can be helpful to recognize your own poor habits and call yourself out on them. Identify and create a plan for your stall tactics (getting lost in your phone, talking with someone, or anything that you do that stalls your progress). Keep a positive internal dialogue. Don't let yourself fall into the same traps!
- See it! Feel it. If you cannot picture or sense yourself achieving your goal, it will be harder to attain it. Try making a visualization board to inspire and motivate you.
- Plan. Organize your tasks and time with time management resources. Plan your steps, make the time to work toward your goal, and keep track of your progress along the way. Schedule your tasks and make them a priority. Distractions are everywhere and we will more likely resist temptations when we know that we have something specific to do.
- Minimize Distractions. Set up your surroundings to offer the most success. Let people know you are busy and when you will be available. Put a note on your door. Explicitly tell someone. Turn off your devices or all notifications. You control what you do, so if you do not trust your impulses, make it harder to be tempted. Go to the bathroom, eat, etc. before getting started. Be sure that you have all your materials available at arm's length so as to not get distracted going to find them. Keep a notepad to jot down notes of things that may come to mind but you can handle afterward.
- Celebrate! Take the time to reward yourself for the steps you accomplish towards your goal. It is helpful to have incentives along the way to keep you motivated. Enjoy a sweet treat or that new movie you have been wanting to see.
Guest Blogger Julie Marcoux is the Assistant Director of Springer High School. She has held roles including child development specialist, master teacher, and learning specialist in schools across the country. Just before joining Springer she was an academic coach at the collegiate level. She shares her expertise on helping students develop habits and skills that will serve them through high school, college and beyond.
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