Experts on Learning Disabilities and ADHD to Speak in March
January 28, 2016
Springer Students Recognized for Artwork
February 25, 2016
Springer School and Center Development Specialist Kirstin Eismin is excited to announce plans for A Springer Celebration! 2016. The annual fundraising dinner will be held on Wednesday, April 27, at The Center, an event venue in the space formerly occupied by The Contemporary Art Center.
The unique location perfectly complements the theme for this year’s Celebration – An Artful Evening. It will be a fun and lively event that celebrates the many ways in which art enhances our world, and will feature alumni speakers, as well as live and silent auctions, cocktails and dinner. Silent auction items will be displayed in art-themed arrangements, and a gallery of student art will be available for guests to view.
Springer Trustees and alumni parents Gina Goings and Martha Millett are co-chairing the event. Both have taken leading roles in previous Celebrations. “Springer is such a unique and valuable resource to Greater Cincinnati,” said Millett. “I’m excited about the opportunity to support an organization that has meant so much to our family and to the community.” Goings said, “The event will have an elegant, art gallery feel, but it will be full of interactive fun at the same time. I’m looking forward to spending a thoroughly enjoyable evening for a great cause!” Springer is pleased to once again welcome Local12 WKRC-TV News Anchor Brad Johansen, who will serve as Emcee for the evening. Auction Chair for the event is Springer parent Robin Carew.
Springer School and Center is the region’s premier resource for children with learning disabilities and the parents, educators and clinicians who work with them. For more information about A Springer Celebration! 2016, visit www.Springer-LD.org/celebration_16.