Ground Rules for Technology: Set the Rules Early!
August 16, 2017
Maintaining a Positive Attitude Toward Homework
August 30, 2017
At this time of the year there are many blogs with the three or five things you need to do to get organized or to start off the day or school year right. It can be stressful just to read them, because it is overwhelming to consider a whole list of things that you currently don’t do, but “should.”
What if we reduce it to one task that you can do every day? You might feel yourself letting go of some stress if there is just one thing that will help you.
Every day our goal is for family members to be ready to leave on time with the items they need for the day. Being successful in arriving at work or school on time, complete with belongings, begins with preparation the night before. Mornings are too hectic to follow everyone around issuing directives and then checking back to make sure there was follow-through.
The secret is for each family member to have a “Blast Off Site.” Work with each child and determine the best place for her Site (not in her room).
Start tonight for a successful tomorrow!