What One Action Would Reduce Morning Stress for Parents?
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September 6, 2017
Setting aside the debate about the place of homework in education, the fact of the matter is that homework is part of everyone’s school/work life. It is never too late to embrace a homework policy in your home.
There are many competing interests/obligations/distractions for the free time that exists outside of the classroom. As the parent, you provide leadership through your actions and attitude that will impact how your student approaches homework.
A couple of general points that may be helpful:
Allow your child to see you doing your “homework.” We are all life-long learners, and your example will demonstrate your commitment to that ideal.
Blogger Mary Ann Mulcahey, PhD, shares her expertise in assessment and diagnosis of learning disabilities and ADHD, and the social/emotional adjustment to those issues. If you have questions, please contact Mary Ann at .