Tim Coyne ’13
October 20, 2020
Evan Phillips ’08
November 3, 2020
Greg Brugger graduated from Mount Saint Joseph University with a major in Sociology and a minor in Leadership and Civic Engagement in 2018. Post-graduation, he relocated to Mason, OH to move into his first apartment. Greg gained valuable career experience working at a child care facility and later decided that childcare was not for him. In 2019, the opportunity to move to the Dayton area presented itself, to seek out other jobs and volunteer opportunities in theatre. He moved in with a roommate, became best friends and have been living together for almost a year. Greg joined a local theatre organization known as Dayton Theatre Guild, signing on as their Social Media Coordinator. His primary tasks include the following: promote current shows, advertise cast members, share the progress of stage construction of the show, engage with patrons, and create hashtags. Greg continues to be involved with Dayton Theatre Guild promoting their 75th Season, and is employed at Lowe's Home Improvement in Paint Sales. (11-3-20)