It’s Summer…Don’t Forget to Read a Book!
May 4, 2021
Develop Good Habits This Summer with Your Family
May 18, 2021
If there is one question we are frequently getting from parents due to this year’s unorthodox school environment, it is “how do I help my child with social interactions?” As many of you know, screen time does not equal the value of facetime.
In response to parent’s concerns, Springer School and Center is excited to be offering a social skills program as an option during our summer programming. Signing up your child for Springer’s social skills class could prove to be very beneficial for your child. Instructed by a counselor and psychologist, the class will be professionally conducted and fun for the students.
Social Skills class details are as follows:
Let me introduce you to the talented instructors. Dr. Barone, a long time Springer staff member, is a psychologist that specializes in working with elementary age children. His soft spoken and at times, humorous way with children is amazing to observe. He offers concrete advice to adults working with children as well as has great insights and empathy into a child’s world. Complementing Dr. Barone and working alongside each other as a team, Erin Fiorito is a counselor with many years of experience working with school aged children. She relates well to each and every child and adds fun along the way. She is artful at discussing topics with children that may be sensitive to them. Your child will be lucky to interact with this dynamic duo this summer!
Some of the topics that are usually covered in the social skills class are initiating conversations, taking turns with peers, learning how to work cooperatively in games and outdoor situations. The instructors also help guide students in thinking through how to present themselves in social situations and developing the confidence necessary to help support quality future peer relationships. Your child will enjoy and look forward to this social skills class! Class is filling up quickly so be sure to REGISTER NOW!