Meet Molly of Springer Diagnostics
July 21, 2023
Appreciating a Great Summer
August 4, 2023
For students with LD, the start of a new school year can induce uncomfortable feelings. As parents we do all we can to build our children up but we may have our own doubts. With this in mind, we offer you a young man's eighth-grade commencement speech in which he beautifully captures the feelings of nervous new beginnings and his gradual transition into a confident learner.
Good evening, my name is Levi. I came to Springer six years ago when my teacher and parents noticed I was behind in reading and math. The school year just ended and I was terrified of the idea of switching schools. We would drive past Springer often, “look,” my mom would say “that's going to be your school next year.” My eyes would go wide and I would start begging my parents to let me go back to my old school, old friends and the familiar day to day routine. All those worries about Springer went away immediately as soon as I walked into these doors. I heard sweet voices, laughter, and the “hellos” from all my teachers.
Springer has helped me so much. When I first started here I couldn't read, write, spell or even do math. Now, all those things that seemed impossible to me have become a part of my daily routine at Springer.
This didn't come easy though like most things, it takes time, effort, and the willingness to learn. Day after day, I would come into school and leave thinking I was a failure, but with failure there's the willingness and drive to get back up and be better than you were previously. That was the drive that compelled me. I started raising my hand and participating. Then I remember getting a question wrong, the devastating blow and embarrassment. Having to act like I meant to do it. At the time I was more shy, so getting a question wrong was never easy for me. Then I realized something. Who cares if you get a question wrong? That's when the light turned on inside of me and from that point forward I knew there was no stopping me.
I want to thank my amazing teachers who have helped me in my journey and my great friends who were there for me when I needed them. I’m very excited to be attending my new school on an academic scholarship next year. Thank you, Springer.

This May, Levi delivered his speech in front of a crowd of more than 200 including adults and his fellow students. Students with LD are creative, capable and worth investing in. We are so proud of Levi and his fellow students for their hard work and growth.