New High School and Rebrand for Springer School and Center
September 29, 2023
Wilson Reading System® Credentials
October 11, 2023
October is LD & ADHD Awareness Month! To celebrate, we want to empower you with knowledge and usable strategies to help your struggling learners.
All month Springer is offering FREE access to all of our webinars and webinar packages. Visit Springer-LD.org/center-webinars to see the selection and watch as many as you want all month long! Use the code AWARE at checkout.
Follow @SpringerLD on social media to see daily LD and ADHD facts.
Do you have an LD or ADHD Story? Share it! Talking about your struggles and your successes can help others. Post using #LDADHDawarenessmonth
If Springer is part of your story, we would be honored for you to share your story with us. Click here to see how!