Thank you for your incredible support to make Farm to Feast a success and helping students to find success in school and beyond!
Supporters gathered at Newport Car Barn to raise funds for Springer School and Center at their event, A Springer Celebration 2023: Farm to Feast, held on May 5. Guest speaker Kip Kummerle, a Springer alumnus who sends two of his children to the school, told his emotional story of growing up with a learning difference. Kummerle and his wife are the owners of Liberty Farm Market, an organic farm market in Liberty Township. He likened his business to his experience at Springer, saying, “We support, stand beside and empower our partners to lean outside of their comfort zone… focusing on their strengths.” Rob and Carrie Gould chaired the event which raised $280,000 for financial aid, school operations, diagnostics, and learning programs offered through Springer’s center.